Project Euler task 92
A number chain is created by continuously adding the square of the digits in a number to form a new number until it has been seen before.
For example,
44 32 13 10 1 1
85 89 145 42 20 4 16 37 58 89
Therefore any chain that arrives at 1 or 89 will become stuck in an endless loop. What is most amazing is that EVERY starting number will eventually arrive at 1 or 89.
How many starting numbers below ten million will arrive at 89?
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
const unsigned int nMaxNum = 10000000;
unsigned int pArray[nMaxNum];
unsigned int getSqrSum(unsigned int _n) {
unsigned int nRes = 0;
while (_n) {
unsigned int nTemp = (_n % 10);
nRes += nTemp * nTemp;
_n /= 10;
return nRes;
int main() {
memset(pArray, 0, nMaxNum);
unsigned int nSum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < nMaxNum; i++) {
unsigned int nTemp = i;
while (nTemp != 1 && nTemp != 89) {
nTemp = getSqrSum(nTemp);
if (pArray[nTemp])
nTemp = pArray[nTemp];
nSum += (nTemp == 89) ? 1 : 0;
pArray[i] = nTemp;
cout << nSum << endl;
return 0;